How can a parent recognize the signs of anorexia or bulimia? Why is it important to recognize these characters? And why is it so difficult to recognize the signs of anorexia?
These are good questions and are issues that all parents should know the answer to. The signs of anorexia bulimia are difficult to detect because the person from doing this disease, as a great job of hiding the facts from their parents, so parents must learn what signs to look for.
While anorexia nervosa and bulimia, the young men, it is primarily a disease that affects young girls. This is partly due to the unhealthy obsession that the western world has too thin and beautiful. The modeling industry, everyone has said that it is important to be thin, and movies and magazines are always shows photographs of thin film stars and celebrities. As a result, it is only natural that young girls into puberty want to be associated popular and thin to be popular.
The first sign that a person May be suffering from anorexia nervosa is their weight. Has your child looking for a much thinner than their friends in the same height and age? If so, you may need attention of some of the other characters.
Other things you can not eat with other people or eating in public. A anorexics often hide food and dispose of it later to its parent company from knowing they have not eaten.
Someone suffering from bulimia, will gorge themselves and then regurgitate their food. So, if your daughter is eating excessively large meals and never seems to gain weight, they may suffer from bulimia. People who suffer from this tendency to have discolored teeth from stomach acids discoloring of the enamel, if they vomit. They also tend to have sour-smelling breath.
As soon as the disease progresses further, the anorexia develop serious health problems. By the time these symptoms occur, it will be much harder to treat the disease, in fact, you have to spend so much time and energy to the treatment of symptoms, it is hard to get past the physiological problems that lead to the disease in the first place.
The most terrible thing about Anorexia Bulimia is the fact that so many patients actually from the effects of this disease. It is estimated that over 15% of the anorexics die prematurely as a direct result of organ failure associated with anorexia nervosa.
Remember, for the early signs of anorexia bulimia, to head the disease, before it is too late. The simplest is to recognize characters, is underweight. However, with preteen girls, this can be very difficult to detect. The easiest way is to compare your daughter to her friends, if they are grossly underweight in comparison to other girls their age, a medical opinion as soon as possible to determine whether there is a problem.
Sydney Heiden has a website dedicated to information about Anorexia Nervosa. To learn more about the effects of anorexia, go to
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