
An eating disorder is a compulsion to eat, or avoid eating, that negatively affects both one's physical and mental health. Eating disorders are all encompassing. They affect every part of the person's life. According to the authors of Surviving an Eating Disorder, "feelings about work, school, relationships, day-to-day activities and one's experience of emotional well being are determined by what has or has not been eaten or by a number on a scale." Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most common eating disorders generally recognized by medical classification schemes, with a significant diagnostic overlap between the two. Together, they affect an estimated 5-7% of females in the United States during their lifetimes. There is a third type of eating disorder currently being investigated and defined - Binge Eating Disorder. This is a chronic condition that occurs when an individual consumes huge amounts of food during a brief period of time and feels totally out of control and unable to stop their eating. It can lead to serious health conditions such as morbid obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Anorexia Nervosa Impact On Society

Some statistics show that 1% of American women have anorexia nervosa, many people have no idea how dangerous this disease is. Thousands of young people die every year because of anorexia and eating disorders. Society plays an important role to resolve this growing problem and young people aware of dangers.

If we want anorexia nervosa impact on the company, its enough to see the death statistics and emotional problems they have to understand How difficult it is. There are groups of people especially that online support anorexia nervosa as a lifestyle, and they give tips and advice in order to hide her problem from her family and keep a strict diet.

I think we need to change the way the values of human society, there are testimonials from young people, very happy, but if they started diets through an emotional problem, they had a criticism of her weight, her life was miserable. Young people want loved and accepted in society, so that if their criticism of the human body or physical appearance, sometimes the frustration is so great that they do everything to be accepted, are liked.

The consequence is that young people start dieting and exercising with obsession to the point that they starve themselves and their body harm. You can also see all the celebrities on TV than perfect, and they want to be like them, very thin.

Anorexia is an emotional issue and can not be solved only with drugs, the person must understand that what they are doing is wrong and damaging her self. She needs to feel loved by her family to move from this disorder, they must change themselves image.

Society caused a negative impact on young people, they are acquiring the wrong values from the media and celebrities as a model of success. The parents have to their child aware of this problem and its consequences.


If you want to find more in depth statistics, case studies, tips and the ultimate treatments available visit: anorexia nervosa statistics

at http://www.anorexianervosatreatments.net

You can also read about: inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ray_Andrew

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To All The Givers of Grace

To all donors of grace, you helped me be human again, loved me when I felt unloveable and continue to love me in good days and bad.

It is difficult to live alone without best friends in the vicinity of no one to cry , Laugh, my joy. I fight for my true self to find what my God calls me to do with my life.

So I come to you, my friends, my family, my connection to reason. You can not be here in person, even if one so close to my heart and my mind. You are in my dreams. My dreams are comforting, consoling, often full of laughter, tears and a hug from those true value, my existence on this earth. Then I awake to a world of madness and constant struggle. Struggle to make ends meet, struggle to be heard, can fight for strong and determined to live my life as I am called to.

Those without eating disorders, try to understand, they work hard, and they do a best.When people tell me how I look good I am at the end of the period before the mirror asks me whether they truth.

It is not the same as turning around their faces, ready to hold my hand when I fear that the "perfect" embrace, and the perfect smile. So you have there, if I want to run, and you allow me to turn right into the arms, and even if I "feel" as if I should be "done" and that I am "fine" They remind me that I " Man ".

I try so hard to be strong, strong in faith, spirit, leadership and motivation. A few times I can not and I am afraid to say that I know best. I fear that the division of the darkest words of my soul will disappear from my life forever.

I can not do this alone, and I realize. Once a woman ready to wipe this cunning, and powerful mystery illness, I am sitting here after eating too much and then eat and purge like, although I do not. Seeing the scale I "feel" as if it were actually "calling" My name. I fight the urge constantly.

Having the courage to aske the nurse to the doctors, if I really "need" to weigh and then with the other nurse ask me, "You're not going to get that disease where you start to lose and can not stop are you? "and respond with" I'm really recovered from that illness and that is why I do not like on the scale (backwards or even at all) "She later apologized and said They did not mean to insult me-it's just that they are so proud of me and all the hard work I have done. That made me "feel" good and then I started on all times I was not "good", which I'll slip and ED can get ahold of me.

I need your strength, your support, your love. I need you. On the days I wonder why I went through the pain of treatment and it really make a difference, I remember you. On the days when I feel as if everything is the same in my life, I remember you.


Mary Pat Nally -Founder/Facilitator -- Learn, Lead and Serve --Experiential Leadership Consulting LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! Toll Free - 1-800-801-7132 learnleadandserve@yahoo.com http://www.authenticallyme.com Author of:Reflecting Grace: How one woman found life on a quest to outrun her eating disorder Available on Amazon.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Pat_Nally

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is Barbie-Doll-Like Look the Ideal Look? Root Cause of Bulimia

Bulimia or bulimia nervosa is a psychological eating disorder characterized by struggles of compulsive eating, followed by efforts to undo the effects of the same by unsachgemae use of resources such as vomiting induced struggle of fasting, rinsing with laxatives /intake /diuretic , And compulsive exercise .

According to popular opinion, the main cause of bulimia is the socio-cultural pressure, with which young women in vulnerable minds that a Barbie doll-like appearance is the ideal look. Not in a position to emulate this ideal leads to a poor body image, the psychological trauma, which in turn leads to bulimia. Some mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, drug abuse, etc., are also known to contribute to bulimia.

What is not generally known is that bulimia is not just a mental disorder, there is a biological and physiological factors also play a role. Some people are more genetically predisposed to bulimia than others, probably due to an imbalance in the brain regulate chemicals that hunger and food intake. It is the interplay between biological, psychological, genetic, familial and social factors that actually cause for bulimia.

Strong evidence that low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, a naturally occurring chemical in the brain, can contribute to bulimia. When the brain serotonin is too low, the body tries from an external source (the food industry, especially rich carbohydrates and sugar). The body converts these into sugar tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin. This explains the uncontrolled desire for food and Binge Eating in bulimics.

The secret fighting bulimia, therefore, lies in the slow trigger your body to produce more serotonin in situ. Some doctors try to bulimia treatment with antidepressants, as low serotonin were also associated with depression. But drugs do not offer a lasting and secure solution to completely bulimia.

The best way to combat bulimia is to balance the brain chemicals from natural sources, for example by using the right kind of food as medicine, to adapt to the amazing self - Healing power of the body, without drugs and without doctors. It is, for example, found that bulimics suffer from nutritional deficiency in zinc, vitamin B complex and calcium. A serotonin-friendly diet plan should include that the food supply these nutrients in plenty.

Such serotonin-friendly diet based on natural ingredients will be a long way, so you bulimia struggle on their own in a completely safe and natural Way, without drugs and without the help of a doctor. Do not hesitate! Loszuwerden bulimia through the self-healing power of the body, mind and spirit.


Ksana Vera is recovered bulimic, author of complete self recovery program (two books "10 Days of the new life" and "The truth will set you free"). Ksana Vera is commited to helping others through their recovery from bulimia. Read more about the program at http://www.cureforbulimia.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ksana_Vera

Friday, September 5, 2008

Heartburn Remedy: Discover How to Relieve Heartburn Pain and Discomfort!

For people who suffer from heartburn, it usually is a constant struggle for a consistent heartburn remedy . Not all legal remedies will work for all, but it is a natural cure and medicine you can take to alleviate heartburn.

Some are medicinal plants in nature, and others require a simple lifestyle and diet changes that might reduce or even eliminate your struggles of the painful burning characterized that heartburn symptoms.

One way to begin to exactly the trigger your heartburn is to keep a journal about what you eat and activities, apparently before the start of your heartburn symptoms. As soon as you can find out what the individual causes for your heartburn may be, you are on the way to find the right solution for heartburn you.

Natural Heart Burn Remedies

Most natural cure for heartburn, to the food and activities that seem to bring in the painful symptoms. One of the first places to start looking for a culprit is in your dietary choices. Some of the most common heartburn are chocolate, peppermint, raw onions, fatty foods and drinks with carbon dioxide. Tomatoes and tomato and citrus fruits and juices are also guilty of common heartburn causes.

If dietary changes do not seem to do the trick, you can count on the lifestyle changes include exercise, not smoking and maintaining a healthy weight. You can also try to eat smaller, more frequent meals and after the last meal at least two or three hours before bedtime.

If you find that you are waking up at night or in the morning with your heartburn symptoms, you can raise your bed the top two Fae or three, so that the upper part of the body is increased at night. If you tried to most or all of these lifestyle changes and you are still suffering frequent heartburn symptoms, it might be time to talk to your doctor about heartburn remedies in the form of medications.

Medications for Heartburn

There are many over - the-counter (OTC) heartburn remedies available, and this is probably where your doctor will recommend that you start. Antacids will quickly neutralize the acids in your stomach, but the results and aid organizations is usually a short-lived.

For heartburn, it will take longer, you can try an H2 blocker, actually reduce the amount of digestive Acid that your stomach produces. These drugs can be found at commercial names such as Pepcid, and during the effectiveness of long-term assistance, they can also be much more to begin working.

There are now over-the-counter medicines that combine the best of both worlds, by providing a Antacid ingredient for fast relief and an H2 blocker for a long-term heartburn remedy.

Regardless of what heartburn remedy if you suffer from heartburn, it is often a good idea to talk, a doctor and implementation of a plan to control heartburn.


Stop suffering from heartburn and to get heartburn relief try visiting http://www.myheartburnrelief.org where you will find tips and tricks for frequent heartburn, heartburn during pregnancy, natural remedy for heartburn, and if you want heartburn relief for good.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Woodall