
An eating disorder is a compulsion to eat, or avoid eating, that negatively affects both one's physical and mental health. Eating disorders are all encompassing. They affect every part of the person's life. According to the authors of Surviving an Eating Disorder, "feelings about work, school, relationships, day-to-day activities and one's experience of emotional well being are determined by what has or has not been eaten or by a number on a scale." Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most common eating disorders generally recognized by medical classification schemes, with a significant diagnostic overlap between the two. Together, they affect an estimated 5-7% of females in the United States during their lifetimes. There is a third type of eating disorder currently being investigated and defined - Binge Eating Disorder. This is a chronic condition that occurs when an individual consumes huge amounts of food during a brief period of time and feels totally out of control and unable to stop their eating. It can lead to serious health conditions such as morbid obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Anorexia Nervosa Impact On Society

Some statistics show that 1% of American women have anorexia nervosa, many people have no idea how dangerous this disease is. Thousands of young people die every year because of anorexia and eating disorders. Society plays an important role to resolve this growing problem and young people aware of dangers.

If we want anorexia nervosa impact on the company, its enough to see the death statistics and emotional problems they have to understand How difficult it is. There are groups of people especially that online support anorexia nervosa as a lifestyle, and they give tips and advice in order to hide her problem from her family and keep a strict diet.

I think we need to change the way the values of human society, there are testimonials from young people, very happy, but if they started diets through an emotional problem, they had a criticism of her weight, her life was miserable. Young people want loved and accepted in society, so that if their criticism of the human body or physical appearance, sometimes the frustration is so great that they do everything to be accepted, are liked.

The consequence is that young people start dieting and exercising with obsession to the point that they starve themselves and their body harm. You can also see all the celebrities on TV than perfect, and they want to be like them, very thin.

Anorexia is an emotional issue and can not be solved only with drugs, the person must understand that what they are doing is wrong and damaging her self. She needs to feel loved by her family to move from this disorder, they must change themselves image.

Society caused a negative impact on young people, they are acquiring the wrong values from the media and celebrities as a model of success. The parents have to their child aware of this problem and its consequences.


If you want to find more in depth statistics, case studies, tips and the ultimate treatments available visit: anorexia nervosa statistics

at http://www.anorexianervosatreatments.net

You can also read about: inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ray_Andrew

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