
An eating disorder is a compulsion to eat, or avoid eating, that negatively affects both one's physical and mental health. Eating disorders are all encompassing. They affect every part of the person's life. According to the authors of Surviving an Eating Disorder, "feelings about work, school, relationships, day-to-day activities and one's experience of emotional well being are determined by what has or has not been eaten or by a number on a scale." Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most common eating disorders generally recognized by medical classification schemes, with a significant diagnostic overlap between the two. Together, they affect an estimated 5-7% of females in the United States during their lifetimes. There is a third type of eating disorder currently being investigated and defined - Binge Eating Disorder. This is a chronic condition that occurs when an individual consumes huge amounts of food during a brief period of time and feels totally out of control and unable to stop their eating. It can lead to serious health conditions such as morbid obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

Friday, January 23, 2009

An Overview Of The Three Main Eating Disorders - Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia And Binge Eating

Eating disorders have become a much stronger since the 1970s. An eating disorder is basically a condition characterized by an obsessive-and long-term negative correlation with food or body image. It is difficult to see why more and more eating disorders, but many people point the finger at the media, has the level of body awareness and objectification in society. An eating disorder is likely to develop in about 10 to 15 percent of all adolescents and young women in the United States. Although eating disorders are usually referred to as a female disease, it is also true that men can develop them as well, although it is much less common. Weight-conscious athletes are particularly vulnerable. Let us have a look at the three main types of eating disorders.

Anorexia Nervosa

Who suffers from anorexia nervosa has an obsessive desire to be thin. They are all that is needed to achieve this goal, even to the point of starving themselves. About 95 percent of anorexia patients are women, and a high proportion of them are teenagers and young women from middle-and upper-class economic and social background. They often suffer from extreme feelings of self-loathing and self-esteem. Often the obsession with her weight to other areas of their lives, including the compulsive behavior in school, relationships and work. You may also obsessive and demanding exercise routines. Unfortunately, since the weight loss progresses, other health conditions surface. This may be in poor general health, susceptibility to colds, Bouts of constipation, fatigue, weakness and lightheadedness, abdominal cramps and a lower level of potassium. Some patients may lose 25 percent or more of their body weight.


in a similar manner as in patients with anorexia, bulimia sufferers have an overwhelming obsession with their bodies. They indulge in "binge-eating episodes, and then vomiting, then get rid of all the food. They are fighting for food in a normal pattern. It is usual for bulimic patients with anorexia have in the past, or the condition for Progress in anorexia. bulimic patients, however, are usually normal weight. If they are binging, a bulimia sufferer can eat, how can the 15,000 to 20,000 calories in one period. This can lead to extreme and intense mood swings, alternating between enthusiasm a deep depression very quickly. The binging, followed by intense shame and guilt for what they have done. This leads to the sufferer sinks of food from the system as quickly as possible, by vomiting.

Binge Eating

Although the two already discussed eating disorders are the most well known are, Binge Eating Disorder can be just as harmful. A sufferer of binge eating disorder will eat food high to an excessive level. It is usual for those affected much more than the average overweight person. This kind of food is often associated with depression, and is a form of emotional eating. It can usually be treated with reasonable success of psychotherapy and antidepressants.


For more helpful and important information on the signs of anorexia, types of eating disorders and what causes anorexia please visit Coping-With-Eating-Disorders.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Gorman

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Eating Disorders Warning Signs

Eating disorders are serious behavior problems. Eating disorders can lead to heart and kidney problems and even death. Eating disorders are not a sign that a person has a problem with food, but eating disorders are actually only the symptoms of the underlying problems in the concerned person's life. Eating disorders involve serious disturbances in eating behavior, such as extreme and unhealthy reduction of food intake or severe overeating, as well as feelings of sadness or extreme concern about body shape and weight. Researchers investigate how and why initially voluntary behaviors, such as eating smaller or larger quantities of food than usual, at some point beyond control in some people to develop into an eating disorder. Dieting to a body weight leaner than needed for health is high, the current fashion trends, sales campaigns for special foods, and in some activities and professions. Eating disorders often co-occur with other psychiatric disorders such as depression, drug abuse and anxiety disorders. These are also the three most common eating disorders. All three have serious consequences for a person who has immediate and long-term health and can cause death.

Eating disorders are characterized by an abnormal obsession with food and weight. Eating disorders are much more noticed in women than in men. Environmental factors have a great influence on the development of eating disorders, but more research on hormone disruption, brain lesions and their impact on eating disorders. Many types of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, starvation diet, binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, diabulimia and night eating syndrome. Girls and women are 10 times more likely than boys and men who suffer from anorexia or bulimia. However, eating disorders do seem to be increasingly common in boys and men. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are better known as anorexia and bulimia. The two diseases are difficult to each other because they have similar characteristics. Anorexics are too thick, no matter what their actual weight. Anorexics often do not realize they are underweight and can still "feel fat" at 80 lbs. Anorexics close to death will show you on their bodies if they feel they need to lose weight.

Most people with eating disorders try to avoid at all costs, so they usually do not express negative feelings and try to wear a happy face all the time to try and please the people. The treatment may also include medical care, nutrition counseling and therapy. Treatment of anorexia calls for a specific program that the three phases: (1) restoring weight lost to severe dieting and purging resin, (2) the treatment of mental disorders such as distortion of body image, low self-esteem and interpersonal conflicts and ( 3) achieving long-term remission and rehabilitation, or complete recovery. These drugs also may help prevent relapse. The treatment targets and strategies for binge eating disorder are similar to bulimia, and studies are currently evaluating the effectiveness of different interventions. Many parents worry about how their children a healthy diet, and prevent them overweight or to become obese, without being afraid of food, potentially leading to an eating disorder. Take an active role in creating a healthy lifestyle for your child. Involve your child in the preparation of healthy, nutritious meals on a regular basis.

Eating Disorders Treatment Tips

1. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)? emphasized the relationship between thoughts and feelings by focusing on a person's thinking.

2. Interpersonal therapy? focuses on dealing with difficult relations with other

3rd Rational Emotive Therapy? focuses on a person's faith is not helpful

4. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy? focuses on a person? past experiences.

5. family therapy are usually those with the person with whom eating disorders, such as parents, siblings and spouses or partners.

6.-therapy group provides a supportive network of people who like eating disorders.

7. support groups are provided by trained volunteers and health care.


Juliet Cohen writes articles on diseases and conditions and women health care. More information on health related topics visit our site at http://www.healthatoz.info.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juliet_Cohen

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bulimia - How to Take Action Fast to Cure Your Bulimia Now - Nurse's Tips

If you suspect, you can bulimia and other eating disorders or were diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, there are some steps you can take to be in the right direction, these are some of my best tips to help you again. You can create your eating habits and prevent your emotions control your life. Think of bulimia (and /or anorexia), such as addiction or habits, you can into your own hands.

continued on every overeating, gorging, binging, purging, vomiting, laxatives, the diuretics, fasting or compulsive eating can greatly affect your health and permanent health problems that can not be undone. Stop losses now!

bulimia health problems or symptoms or side effects may be sore throat, eroded tooth enamel, swollen lymph nodes in the neck and under the jaw, sensitive teeth, acid reflux issues, colon problems of laxatives, kidney problems and dehydration of diuretics.

The first step is to admit that you have a problem, whether you are a teenager or adult, male or female. Do not keep it secret. See your doctor as soon as possible, for a complete physical, so you can determine what you current state of health. You need to find out if you have any health conditions which, to the. Avoid drug or drugs, if possible, and try to find your way back to the health of course. Let your family and your members know, closest friends, if possible, to win their support.

It is important to the advice of experts in bulimia nervosa, the cause of your bulimia and how your bulimia. Your doctor may take a few recommendations. If not, look to local organizations for health self-help groups. Participation in a group bulimia to find out what other health professionals are bulimics and see what their experiences and stories. These are people who understand what you are and find some good insight into what steps you can take to help you.

Check with your HMO or health insurer to see if you are under your current policy. If not, find out the support of groups, what other options you can spot or in your community. You can create a free consultation bulimia.

Make a list of all the problems, stress and worry. Try to identify the problems causing you to bulimia. Also a list of all the blessings and good things in your life. Remember that everyone has problems, and you can change as you.

Try to find ways to laugh more and incerase your supply of endorphins. Are you depressed? If this is the case, a list of what it is depressing. Try with depression naturally without drugs. Look at ways to solve the problems that concern you and how to solve them.

Do not be afraid to let your diet bulimia. Try a handle on your diet and adopting a live feed. A raw food, fruits and vegetables will help your health around quickly and help you to live in a healthy way of life. You want to avoid permanent digestive problems.

The best bulimia treatment is what the best treatment for you. The treatment should be the psychological counseling and treatment of health professionals skilled in eating disorders. You are not alone. Get help from your doctor, eating disorder treatment doctor, eating disorder bulimia or consultants, to support and verify, go to an eating disorder treatment center or clinic where you can at the core of the problems caused by your bulimia.

You do not want to try to solve it by you. Read the latest books on bulimia to the latest therapies. Changes in the treatment of bulimia, the whole time. Statistics show you can get help and completely removed from bulimia and again your "self" if you act now. Do it before you suffer lifelong physical health problems. You are not alone. You can. You can heal itself. You can do it! Many others have. Act now!


For more info on bulimia and bulimia treatment go to http://www.EatingDisorderTreatmentDoctor.com a nurse's website specializing in eating disorder tips, symptoms, treatments, natural treatments and causes including info on anorexia, binge-eating and eating disorder treatment centers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_Hecker

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Eating Disorders Bulimia and Anorexia

Eating Disorders

. Bulimia and anorexia According to the diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there are two types of eating disorders, bulimia and anorexia. Everyone is different, and each can lead to death if untreated. If you or someone you know suffers from either, I urge you to help. Some famous people have suffered from eating disorders, and with an eating disorder does not mean you are crazy, but it means you need help. Princess Di, suffered bulemia, and Mary Carpenter suffered from anorexia, and eventually died of this disease. Even if you suffer from an eating disorder, self-help. Bulimia is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, and then forced regurgitation to prevent weight gain. Bulimia is not just a buffet, gorging food, and then throw, because you have too much food. Bulimia is binging on large quantities of food at least twice a week, and then throws to prevent weight gain.

characteristics of bulimia are afraid of the thickness Pursuit of weight loss fear loss of control over the food perceptual distortion of body size low self-esteem anorexia is characterized by fear of weight gain, and an intense preoccupation with weight gain or too fat. The person is suffering from anorexia is a disorder in the perception of one's own body weight, and the pursuit of weight loss, and the fear of loss of control over the food. 20% of people who suffer from anorexia is from this disorder. Characteristics of anorexia are: fear of weight gain Pursuit of weight loss disorder of perception of body weight restrictive diet of 500-800 calories per day, the people suffer from depression and eating disorders have anger. Unfortunately, the anger is often dismissed or ignored, and often untreated, but it must be treated for the treatment of these eating disorders.

One of the most effective methods of treatment, and talk about the anger in a group setting, as Group offers a setting in which it is difficult to manipulate the group. The height of the treatment of eating disorders is complex and beyond the scope of this article, but the level of treatment of self-help and self-help groups, the low intensity of outpatient treatment, intensive treatment, the partial hospitalization programs for inpatient treatment to hospital. The objectives of the treatment of eating disorders are:

1. Interrupt the binge /purge cycle

2. Normalizing eating habits

3. Improve your self-esteem

4. Positive cognitive restructuring

5. Promoting personal responsibility

6. Promoting flexibility

7. Stabilizing chaotic thinking

8. Repair physical damage

9. Discover Leisure Activities

10. Start to develop healthy relationships

11. Begin to repair healthy relationships

12. Educating people about the recovery and relapse tools treat anorexia and bulimia is a complex and diverse to be. It requires work, time and commitment. If you suffer from an eating disorder, get help. It can change your life. It can save your life.


Tammy Stoner is a licensed clinical social worker and life coach. She provides training and education to health care organizations, and individuals. Skilled at helping people uncover the blocks that keep them "stuck", she is able to quickly find internal and external strategies to get "unstuck", and live a life you love.For more information about coaching services, please contact her at http:http://www.InteractiveTeddyBears.Com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tammy_Stoner