
An eating disorder is a compulsion to eat, or avoid eating, that negatively affects both one's physical and mental health. Eating disorders are all encompassing. They affect every part of the person's life. According to the authors of Surviving an Eating Disorder, "feelings about work, school, relationships, day-to-day activities and one's experience of emotional well being are determined by what has or has not been eaten or by a number on a scale." Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most common eating disorders generally recognized by medical classification schemes, with a significant diagnostic overlap between the two. Together, they affect an estimated 5-7% of females in the United States during their lifetimes. There is a third type of eating disorder currently being investigated and defined - Binge Eating Disorder. This is a chronic condition that occurs when an individual consumes huge amounts of food during a brief period of time and feels totally out of control and unable to stop their eating. It can lead to serious health conditions such as morbid obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Anorexia & Bulimia Are Really Serious!

Anorexia and bulimia are serious compulsive eating disorders, the life-threatening. These compulsive behaviors, if they can not properly connected to the death. This is not to frighten you but to inform you that eating disorders are very serious. I want something light on a serious issue that many do not discuss them. To achieve spiritual wholeness, we must be prepared to deal with all human behavior. Everyone has areas in which they need to grow. Some have a harder time use of harmful behaviors. Behavior shown is not really a true indication of how someone really is. Personality is often a veneer, which is in relation to the protection of the real person. Personalities differ strongly on a variety of levels. Behavior may actually a plea for help. Compulsive behaviors need immediate attention.

anorexia and bulimia is not something that is usually discussed openly. Anorexia nervosa is a self-caused famine, which led to a dramatic weight loss. Bulimia is when you binger vast quantities of food, followed by self-induced vomiting or laxative abuse. This may or may not lead to weight loss. Both are extremely dangerous and harmful, both mentally and physically. Food can bring to mind many memories of pain, violence, anger, failure, rejection and /or conflict. Although primarily women, develop eating disorders, there are approximately 10% of men who are also anorexic or bulimic. Eating disorders usually have their onset during youth or adolescents. You can also later in life.

causes of anorexia and bulimia are most often nested in dysfunctional families from different social economic status. Currently, there are programs for children. This should be the seriousness of eating disorders Denial is often an accompanying dynamic. Anorexics usually deny their feelings. They were taught their feelings to suppress.

Let's take a look at some of the symptoms. One of the first symptoms of anorexia, when a person focuses on, as they are too fat, when she obviously is not the case. They continually shift their desirable weight. It is not unusual for an anorexic the hands, feet and head appears much too large. Try to limit foods ever to lose dramatic amounts of weight. They often wear sweaters or bulky clothing to mask their actual body size. It is also accompanied by the use of laxatives and /or diet pills. A weak self esteem and more than perfectionistic. Maintaining rigid and excessive movement. Depression, deceitfulness, irritability and guilt are often so good. Anorexics are proud of their ability to restrict and control the amount of food they do or do not consume. Volunteers hunger can lead t emaciation and sometimes death.

Let's take a look at some of the symptoms of bulimia. The person is in a binge-purge pattern of eating. They consume large quantities of food and relieve themselves induce vomiting, they often observe food rituals. Low self-esteem and perfectionistic, too much. The person loses control when they begin to eat. Food actually a calming agent, and something like a companion. A compound in which anorexia and bulimia is the person really wants relations and the approval of others. It is very likely that even the sexual abuse. It is important that you are loving someone with an eating disorder. It is important that you be honest about the way they look. You must be willing to risk to be too upset. You should also be prepared in their healing. It is important that they receive professional help that they need. Also you need assistance in the recovery process. It is very helpful to learn more about eating disorders.

There are cases in which a person is a combination of both. This is known as bulimarexic. They fluctuate between the two diseases. It is confusing, because the individual does not recognize that there is a problem. Denial is, because they do not actually fall into both categories. Weight gain or loss, digestive problems, heart problems. Anemia, forgetfulness, erosion of tooth enamel, glandular function, hypoglycemia, and impulse control, so are just a few of the many side effects.

How can I heal? In severe cases, inpatient treatment is best. One person, the weight must be closely monitored. In some cases, initially for the treatment of depression is required. One thing that is necessary for healing is that it deals with the "truth" as they feel. One must make a conscious effort, for their lives, their family and how they are affected. To register they must learn all over themselves and others differently. Eating disorders are a family affair. The restructuring of family interactions and dynamics are of crucial importance. Obsessive Compulsive questions about food and the food does not need. Anorexia can refer to major organ system. The family must be changed. The creation of a healthy environment of honesty, love and support, the healing. Healing takes time. But to highlight the effort is worth the time. Dysfunctional dynamics are often the norm for many. The use of unhealthy defense mechanisms, the lack of possibility for who they are, please contact the necessity and the other rageaholic and /or control of the family must be treated.

God wants us to be whole. As a whole, not that they are always free of any conflicts or problems. Life is always a challenge. Challenges brings spiritual growth and development. God wants us to be perfect. Divine perfection is not free of errors. Godly perfection companion is an active peace of mind and acceptance of the fact that God has made you unique. It means learning how to be who you are. Who God, you. It means learning how to be content with a view to his word. Then gently move forward in life to discover who you are? To perfectly in Biblical terms simply means to be in Him. No, that does not mean that you have all the answers. But it means a healthy relationship with God, no.

If you or someone you know has an eating disorder. Pray for or with them. I truly believe that as long or short, as the Lord has given us here is to learn. If we all learn, there is to learn if you are his child, He calls you at home. Learn how to get to food, people, things, problems and situations, learning is a lifetime. But you can start today if you have not yet done so to make life different. You can prepare for life in eternity. This will also relieve a lot of unwarranted fear. God only knows always lonely, what happened, what in your life and all other life. God truly know your heart. God can, and you learn how to make your heart right. God wants you to have abundant life that his son died. He wants you to enjoy and learn how to properly nourish your body and mentally and physically. He wants you to live a balanced life. He wants that you are quite emotional.

Yes, you will continue to have pain, sadness and disappointment. Yes, the world is getting worse. Yes, life is and will be difficult. Drugs, alcohol, sex, money, food and yes, even hard work, all in an attempt to fill the emptiness in your life. There must be a balance. We must learn to properly relate to life in a way that God likes. In the middle of this world you /we have the possibility to have a comforter! You see Jesus purpose was that the life we have and there is an abundance. This means not only that materialistically. It means, in every respect. It is the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy ....... You do not have on the enemy when you know that your life really in the hands of the Lord. Yes, it is important that you know how he works. You do not have to concentrate on what others think, if you know that God knows the depth of the heart, he knows why you do or not do whatever! God can free you. He can only give you the rest, through the understanding of man. From today new! God wants to fill the gap in your life that only he can fill. Significant He loves us enough that he allows us the opportunity to choose. Let his holy spirit, His Comforter to comfort and be with you 24 /7 I truly believe that there is absolutely nothing positive is too great for God to handle. Start today and every day by the Lord's place in your life, heart and home. He can help you and teach how to physically, emotionally and spiritually nourish your body, mind and soul. God is your manufacturer and producer. God has promised to work "all things" not a few things, which means that even the bad things. God has said: "All things work together for good. For those who love him. For those who are after his end," When you walk in the Spirit, there is no conviction. You can always trust, lean, depend, and to God.



DeBorrah K. Ogans is a licensed Pastoral Counselor and ordained minister. She is certified through the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling in Creation Therapy and holds a Master's Degree in Biblical Clinical Counseling. She is the author of a pre-marital guide "How Do I Love Thee: Things You Need To Know Before You Say I Do," and just released her second book "Holy Matrimony: Now That You're Married". She writes an ongoing Counselor's Corner for Alpha 7 Ministries to help individuals, couples, and families establish an intimate relationship with God, which in turn helps them establish better relationships with one another.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DeBorrah_Ogans

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