
An eating disorder is a compulsion to eat, or avoid eating, that negatively affects both one's physical and mental health. Eating disorders are all encompassing. They affect every part of the person's life. According to the authors of Surviving an Eating Disorder, "feelings about work, school, relationships, day-to-day activities and one's experience of emotional well being are determined by what has or has not been eaten or by a number on a scale." Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most common eating disorders generally recognized by medical classification schemes, with a significant diagnostic overlap between the two. Together, they affect an estimated 5-7% of females in the United States during their lifetimes. There is a third type of eating disorder currently being investigated and defined - Binge Eating Disorder. This is a chronic condition that occurs when an individual consumes huge amounts of food during a brief period of time and feels totally out of control and unable to stop their eating. It can lead to serious health conditions such as morbid obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Heartburn: Getting Relief


What heartburn?

Heartburn burning sensation is that you feel in your chest. No, it's probably not a heart attack, although some people might think. You should put your heartburn by a doctor especially if it often. Only your doctor can help you determine if you have a serious problem.

What Can Cause heartburn?

Heartburn happens when stomach acid flows into the esophagus or the subway between your mouth and stomach, and irritates his feed. Of course, the acid and juices in your stomach, helps to digest your food. There is a valve between the stomach and esophagus sphincter or LES called the lower esophagus, which usually remains closed to keep food and acid in the stomach. However, if you have a condition called acid reflux, this value is not always properly and acid flows into the esophagus.

What Can Make Heart Burn worst?

Several habits or foods can heartburn worst. Eating too much at once can give you heartburn. Couches or sleep only after a meal can do it. Certain foods or drinks, such as tomatoes, fried foods, chocolate, coffee and alcohol, to name just a few, have some problems for people.

Medications They are for the other conditions can cause heartburn. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you believe that a certain medications could be causing your heartburn. Your doctor may suggest a remedy, to alleviate the symptoms, or perhaps, an alternative to the drugs you are taking, which is not your heartburn worst.

What Can Relieve heartburn?

Antacids are available over the counter and can be immediate help for heartburn. It stops the burning sensation of fighting or neutralizing the acid from the stomach.

Further Information

If Any experience heartburn once you have tried to avoid certain foods, and over-the-counter remedies, then you should consider a checkup with your doctor. There are certain serious medical conditions that could be the cause of your heartburn that only a doctor can determine.

Copyright 2006 by Leroy Chan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leroy_Chan

Friday, March 28, 2008

Complementary and Alternative Treatments For Anorexia Nervosa

Nutrition and Supplementation

Until recently, anorexia was that it is only a psychological illness. Now, however, scientists and nutritionists have a number of physical symptoms, as well, such as a zinc deficiency and a chemical imbalance similar to that in connection with clinical depression. Through this combination of psychological and physiological components, it is important that the search magersechtige consultation with a specialist trained and eating disorders as well as a nutritionist. In the meantime, eat a diet with high fiber content, including fresh fruits and raw vegetables. These foods cleanse the body and help your appetite return to normalcy. Avoid sugar and processed or junk food, no food in addition all.

In daily the following guidelines to help the system adjust to normal food habits.

Most Important

multivitamin mineral and complex that such supplies Dosage: Beta-Carotene (25000 IU), vitamin A (10000 IU), calcium (1500 mg), magnesium (1000 mg), potassium (99 mg), selenium (200 mcg)

zinc (50 mg not to exceed a total of 100 mg of all allowances)-take with copper to prevent deficiency

copper Copper (3 mg)

Also Recommended

a prodophilus formula (as directed on label) to replace the friendly bacteria lost from vomiting and the use of laxatives

vitamin B complex (100 mg 3 times daily) helps prevent anaemia and replaces lost vitamin

vitamin B B12 injections (1 cc 3 times a week) increases the appetite and prevent the loss of hair; use in the hash, if injections are not available

vitamin C (5000 mg in divided doses) to repair the immune system system

brewer ' ;'s yeast (start with 1 teaspoon and work up to the BC 1)-Supplies balanced amount of B vitamins

kelp (2000 to 3000 mg) replaced minerals

vitamin-D (600 IU)-calcium absorption helps to prevent bone loss

vitamin E (600 IU)-increases oxygen uptake for the whole body healing (contact your health care provider in relation to the duration of treatment.)


To reduce the anxiety and nervousness calm and low spirits, which often accompany anorexia nervosa, aromatherapy practitioners recommend any of the following essential oils: bergamot, basil, Roman chamomile, clary sage, lavender, neroli, or ylang - Ylang.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic practitioners concerned about the lack of food as well as depression, which is often associated with anorexia. It can recommend, cardamom, fennel, ginger root and to stop vomiting and to improve digestion, and recommend a Sunday speech, soothing diet without spices, coffee, or tea.

To soothe and calm the nervous system, practitioners could also indicate the massaged With Fae head and hot sesame oil oil.

Herbal Therapy

Try herbs which stimulate the appetite, such as ginger root, ginseng and peppermint. Herbal products are availablein health food stores and in some pharmacies and supermarkets. Follow package directions for certain. Remember to consult your doctor before enr barking at every new government. Anorexia should not be ignored, the disease can have serious constitutional consequences.


Use therapy several times per week: applicatioons application of alternating hot and cold towels to the fore al! Rear of the body to the abdomen and back. To stimulate the digestive system, apply cold compresses on the stomach for 30 minutes before meals.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

AcupunctureAcupuncture can function of anorexia sufferer general recovery by promoting feelings of well-being and by balancing the body's chi, or energy, which is most likely affected by Patients themselves ordinary hunger. The duration of treatment will vary, depending on the needs of the individual and the severity of their condition.

Chinese Herbal Therapy anorexia chaos drives with the digestive and depletes the body of essential vitamins and minerals. Herbs can be used for these imbalances in the body back to its natural state of being. Some general formulas are prepared fat. Sure that a stomach and Amomum Nurturing pills and vitality Combination.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga aims to improve the emotional control and the restoration of peace of mind. Yoga. Posen build Chi (life force energy), to improve body awareness and promote digestion and sound and the endocrine system. Specific yoga provides for eating disorders include Bow, ship, pea. Hahn, Hahn, and the lion. Daily meditation, you can achieve increased emotional control.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robin_Brain

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Eating Disorders - Bulimia Nervosa Effects

In this second article on Bulimia Nervosa we go on the effects of the disease can have on the body and how to treat it.

Bulimia nervosa can have devastating effects on a person's body, if the disease goes unchecked for a long period of time, the .

most serious of which is electrolyte imbalances caused by the constant bingeing and purging. These imbalances may lead to unregelmaigen heartbeat. If the problem goes on long enough, it can lead to heart failure and death. The actual cause of the electrolyte imbalance, because the loss of potassium and sodium from the body and dehydration because of the constant purging.

Another serious problem is caused by the frequent vomiting. The problem is an inflammation of the esophagus, in the best case can lead to difficulties in breathing and in the worst case possible rupture.

Another problem with people suffering from bulimia nervosa, while perhaps not as serious as those already mentioned, it caries from the frequent vomiting . This decline may lead to tooth loss. While the sound, which may not be all that terrible, it has been shown in studies that people who have their own teeth live longer than people who wear dentures. So, this is something to be concerned about.

Because the constants laxative use a person suffering from this disease is rare, and have finally unregelmaig chair, and probably end up suffering from chronic constipation. This can lead to more serious problems on the road, if this condition persists for any length of time.

And Finally, there is still the possibility of stomach-breaking because the binge eating. This particular problem is very rare, even in the worst cases of Bulimia Nervosa, but the possibility still exists, especially if the disease goes untreated for any length of time.

And now, some facts and statistics about the disease itself.

Bulimia Nervosa Between 1 and 2% of all teenagers or young women. The reason for this is mainly psychological, because girls at this age are very self-conscious about their appearance and develop if these irrational fear that they are too heavy, leading to a poor social life and the low esteem, they are likely to pray , on the case of sickness, because this fears.

About 80% of all patients with the disease are women. Again, it all goes back to the society, especially TV commercials, convincing young women that they are too thin as rails and fashion models look like when they are accepted.

The truth is the majority of people who suffer from this disease Will the average body weight and is not at all seem to be fat.

Oddly, many people with Bulimia Nervosa to recognize that they have a problem. They know that they have picked up the habits of bingeing and purging are not normal. But they are unable to support themselves, much like a man who knows that smoking is harmful, but may not quit.

Psychiatrists have found that the incidence of the disease is usually associated with depression, in the usually caused by the person feel inadequate as far as his appearance.

In our last article on this issue we can be about how a person with Bulimia Nervosa is treated.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kick Your Constant Heartburn To The Curb

Let's get one thing straight right away; constant heartburn has absolutely nothing to do with the heart. It really has to do with acid burning the esophagus causing pain in the area near your heart and in your neck. If your heartburn is rare, you can antacids, working extremely fast and last for a few hours. If you constantly heartburn, you should think about exploring serious treatments.

How do you know if you have chronic heartburn or permanent? Simple; heartburn, if you have more than twice a week, you are in the constant heartburn category.

There are many medications that you can take as medicine, and more and more advanced, the heartburn treatments are varied and effective. It is important to see you go a doctor who can help you set up a regiment of medication and lifestyle changes to your constant heartburn kick for the curb.

In addition to the medicines that your doctor can tell you, your treatment must be serious Change of lifestyle. These changes are:

1. Improve your eating habits. Eliminate salty and fatty foods, and avoid food that you ever noticed your heartburn.

2 causes. Improve your sleeping habits. Develop a regelmaigen sleep schedule and make sure that your body is the sleep they need. Their constant heartburn May begin to be more and more infrequent.

3. Lose weight immediately. Weight loss has numerous health benefits in addition to an end constant heartburn. It can be difficult, but perhaps the most important aspect in their long-term health. If you have difficulties, there are many programs and professionals, for an effective weight loss.

4. Stop smoking. If you are a smoker, this is a major change, you have to find in your life to improve your general health. Not only is the constant improvement of heartburn, but it starts to taste food back in a position to walk up stairs, and your clothes and breathing stops smelling.

5. Avoid stress. Stress can negatively affect many aspects of health, and the constant, or chronic heartburn is one of the them.

6. Start exercising. These will you feel better and helps you lose weight. Join a gym and your heartburn constantly improving, slowly but surely.

These long-term changes in liaison and confirmed by a doctor, help you feel better and end your heartburn. There are also many other natural cures heartburn, that the work almost instantly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nate_Harding

Friday, March 21, 2008

Eating Disorders - A Disease Of Perceptions

Body image is something that young women in America often with on a daily basis. Their brains are flooded with images of rail thin models and celebrities, the "it" crowd. Unfortunately, for many women obsessed with weight and looks, in the hope that perfectly. Although there is no clear cause for an eating disorder, people with a family history of depression or anxiety, obesity and even social factors are considered very possible for such offenders Syndrome. There are two known types of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia Nervosa.

Anorexia is, in most cases, the eating disorder known in America today. Women with anorexia will have what is called body-image distortion. This is because their views of what is attractive have become distorted and wrong, what they see in the mirror is not necessarily what they really look like like.

So while you may see an attractive and healthy or underweight, and sometimes undernourished individuals, they will see nothing but faults, which typically need to be resolved their weight. Some trends; with laxatives or enemas inappropriate, vomiting or ebermaige movement routines. These can be in various ways from the other common eating disorder called bulimia Nervosa.

Bulimics have similar symptoms but different trends point in their quest for the "perfect" body. While it is still considered to be a psychological condition dealing with body image this condition causes the person overeat or binge heavily on high-fat or high calorie foods, and then purge most often with vomiting or laxatives. Although these diseases are generally categorized as a psychological or sociological aspects, recent studies have shown that some patients in the bulimia had hormonal imbalances especially testosterone.

Body image issues have evolved over time and have to new heights and in writing America in the last decade. Many will attribute this to a large extent on the fashion industry and endless reporting in the media about celebrities. Although there is no "cure" for the diseases, who has anorexia or bulimia treatment needs. It has been proven that people who are in earlier stages of treatment have a much higher chance of a healthy body to hold and mind.

It is important that you have educated the signs and symptoms of these diseases. If you or someone in your area is more than moderately underweight, show obsessive or irrational fears of food or weight gain immediately seek help. It is life-threatening diseases, and should not lightly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gabriel_J._Adams

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Characteristics of Major and Minor Eating Disorders

There are many types of eating disorders. We are very familiar with the three main disorders anorexia nervosa, bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. However, there are many smaller disturbances causes millions of people as Prader-Willi syndrome and Night Eating Syndrome. This is a short list of major and minor symptoms of eating disorders and describes treatment.

Anorexia Nervosa

A dangerous and potentially life-threatening illness caused by a person who is afraid of the weight gain, therefore resorting to self-help-starvation And eberm aiger weight loss. Anorexia typically appears in girls during puberty and can last until adulthood. Many boys and men suffer from anorexia, but it is more common in women.

There are four primary symptoms according to the National Eating Disorder Association.

* An intense fear of the "fat" even if they encountered resistance underweight.

* Maintaining a healthy body or an average weight.

* Loss of menstrual periods in girls and women.

* Poor or distorted body image was denial of severe loss of weight, body or low weight.

When people starve themselves, they are not only for your body weight, but also their overall nutrient composition of well-being. A couple of potential health risks for people with anorexia nervosa are:

* Dry hair and skin

* severe dehydration, which in the kidney failure

* slow heart rate and low blood pressure

* syncope, fatigue and weakness

* Osteoporosis

Treatment requires advice on the underlying psychological factors , to the disease. Often, a person will be treated, psychologically, medically and nutritionally. Family and a strong support group encouraged. Every person is different and the treatment depends on the severity of illness.

Bigorexia (Muscle Dysmorphia)

Typically seen in men, especially bodybuilders or weight lifters, bigorexia is a disease in which the body image of the person feels her body is too small. Therefore ebermaige they spend hours in the gym. Sometimes called "reverse anorexia" But no matter how big or muscular a person is they still think their bodies are no symptoms small.

There a true bigorexia other than a person who ebermaige attention on body image . Bigorexia is rarely diagnosed, because it is socially acceptable for men to muscular. Bigorexia may not be as fatal as anorexia, but it also has risks. Many people with this disease are prone to steroid abuse, and in extreme cases, the disease can affect a person's work and personal life.

Binge Eating Disorder (Over Compulsive Eating)

A person with binge eating disorder is coercive detention overeat without throwing up, abusing laxatives or exercise ebermaig compensate for the large quantities of food, which they have just consumed.

According the National Eating Disorder Association some signs or symptoms of binge eating disorder can be:

* Eating large quantities of food in short periods of time

* Feeling out of the control of the food behavior

* Feeling ashamed by their behavior

* Sometimes eat in secret

Health problems associated with binge eating disorder are similar to those, as in the context of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, gallbladder disease and type 2 diabetes. Mental problems such as depression and anxiety usually accompany health issues.

Treatment usually includes psychological counselling to the underlying causes of the disease. A strong support from the family and friends will be encouraged. It is suggested that obese people with binge eating disorder are trying to conquer their demons with psychological, medical help and, in the group to lose weight.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is one of the three main eating disorders. About 80 percent of bulimic patients are women. It is characterized by a person forced to "cleanse" the food they have just eaten by them-up, abuse laxatives or exercise excessively.

There are two types of bulimia nervosa, purging and nonpurging. Nonpurgers is typically compensate for their overeating with ebermaigen exercise or fasting.

The National Eating Disorder Association lists the three primary symptoms of bulimia nervosa:

* Regelmaige intake of large amounts of food with a sense of loss of control on the food behavior.

* Regelmaige use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors such as vomiting, laxative abuse or compulsive exercise.

* Extreme concern with body weight and shape.

There are many health problems associated with bulimia. These are usually associated with the method selects the person to "clean up" their food. These include: *

inflammation or breakdown of the esophagus from frequent vomiting

* Tooth decay and loss of stomach acids.

electrolyte imbalances

* * Chronic intestinal diseases problems because of laxative abuse.

Depending on its severity, bulimia nervosa can only be discussed with Extensive psychological and medical advice. Bulimia is often associated with deep emotional and spiritual dilemmas.

Night Eating Syndrome (NES)

Night eating syndrome is a relatively new disease. A person with night eating syndrome is often eat large amounts of food after the last meal of the day. Normally bed shortly before and during the middle of the night. This in turn will skip breakfast and eat not start until the middle of the day. That night eating syndrome with is not only the life of the occasional midnight snack, they consume are usually high calorie, low nutrient foods often caused by the night.

As a result, night eating syndrome effects of a person overall emotional well-being trigger depression, insomnia and anxiety. Approx. 10 percent of all clinically obese people are believed to have NES.

Since NES is a new disease, it is still no specific treatment options available. Some early reports show the drug Zoloft is effective in the treatment of clinical disorder.

Treatment begins with interviews and a few night in a sleep study clinics. Some drugs are available, but sleeping pills are discouraged.

Nocturnal Sleep-Related Eating Disorder (NS-RED)

Sleep eating disorder is an eating and sleeping disorders. Those with eating disorders is sleep eating, sleeping while awake. These people are unaware of their behavior, and have no memories. They typically consume high-fat and high-sugar content foods.

NS RED often occurs as a rule people who diet during the day. About 10 to 15 percent of people with eating disorders are common. Their bodies will be more than offset, in the night when the person is weaker for the lack of individual meals or starvation during the day. Sometimes, stress and anxiety can trigger Nazi RED. A person will often wake up in front of the refrigerator or the food on their hands and faces.

Orthorexia Nervosa

Orthorexia Nervosa is not a nationally recognized eating disorders. But it is increasingly recognized. Orthorexia is focused on the search for the perfect or pure food. The person is so obsessed with eating healthy and nutritious, and they refuse to feel guilty about eating unhealthy foods. They often eliminate all sugar and fat from their diet and no longer enjoy food.

Often people with orthorexia nervosa isolate itself, because they are so worried about their next meal healthy they refuse to go to eat with friends and family and the preparation on their own meals. They sometimes refuse pharmaceutical treatments and the "natural" remedies for individual illnesses.

Although orthorexia becomes popular, it is not considered a clinical disorder and is not diagnosed or treated. Often it may be in conjunction with other disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and treated that way.


Pica is typically the persistent eating of nonnutritive substances such as dirt, hair, plastic, enamel and much more.

This eating disorder is most often seen in children. It is considered inappropriate and older than two children with developmental disorders average intelligence. It is also the most common eating disorder people with developmental disorders and disabilities. Sometimes it is also seen in pregnant women craving dirt or soap to compensate for vitamin deficiencies.

Causes for the disease are:

* * Nutritional deficiencies

cultural and Stress

family factors

* * * Socioeconomic Status

Brain damage

* Pregnancy

Health problems if the person Or, the infectious hazardous materials. Rocks can be stuck in the digestive tract, intestinal backing track and the creation of constipation. Sharp objects can scratch or reduction of the esophagus, stomach or intestinal tract, the creation of internal infections. There is also a high risk of lead poisoning resulting from eating paint.

Pica in children often go on his own. Depending on the age and severity of the person diagnosed psychological counselling is usually suggested. There is very little medical treatment available, but some of these hypotheses with the disease suffer from reduced dopamine and may be treated with dopamine medication.

Prader-Willi Syndrome is

This genetic disease in which the affected never feel full. The disease is also accompanied by low muscle tone, short stature, behavior problems, learning disabilities and incomplete sexual development.

Prader-Willi syndrome is caused by a defect in the hypothalamus, which usually registers feeling of hunger. The error, the person never full, no matter how much they eat. Ironically, people with Prader-Willi syndrome need to eat less than that of the same age and height, because their bodies have less muscle and less prone to burn calories.

Consequently, people with Prader-Willi syndrome are often overweight and receive many health risks associated with Adiposen people like heart disease, diabetes and problems with breathing. There is no cure for Prader-Willi syndrome. The treatment typically requires very low-calorie diet and very little access to food. Families will usually have locks on the refrigerator and cabinet doors. Often diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome is also obsessive-compulsive behavior. Rumination Disorder

People rumination disorder is voluntary or involuntary vomit and then partially digested food chew. It can be swallowed or expelled.

According back to emedicine.com, rumination is a rare disease, and many theories information can be derived through small individual and case studies. Theories are psychosocial factors, cultural, social, environmental and psychodynamic. There is more dominant in infants and children, and usually spontaneously.

Symptoms tasks include:

weight loss

* * * Indigestion

* Halitosis

raw and chapped lips

Health problems and concerns associated with rumination disorder are:

* Tooth decay and erosion

oesophagus damage

* * * disorders

Gastric Aspiration

* Choking

* * Pneumonia

usually Halitosis

Treatments also psychological and medical advice. In some extreme cases, surgery, gastroesophageal fundoplication, a procedure usually reserved for people with acid reflux disease, can used.

Many these eating disorders are rare and can be found in many degrees. Always consult a doctor before treatment or self diagnosis.


Ellis, MC (2006, 28 March). EMedicine - Eating Disorder: Rumi nation. WebMD. "15 August 2006, by http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2652.htm

HealthyPlace.com, Inc. (2006). Eating Disorders Community - HealthyPlace.com." 15 August 2006, by http://www.healthyplace.com/communities/Eating_Disorders/index.asp

National Eating Disorders Association. (2002). ED Info index. "15 August 2006, by http://www.edap.org/p.asp?WebPage_ID=294

The Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders. (2006)." 15 August 2006, by http://www.something-fishy.org/whatarethey/other.php

WebMD, Inc. (2003, 16 October). Body's Food Cycle Amiss in Eaters Night. "15 August 2006, by http://www.webmd.com/content/Article/75/89780.htm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erin_Monaghan

Monday, March 17, 2008

Anorexia And Ecstasy Have The Same Nature

The secret of anorexia could cause biochemical untangled for a new investigation by Dr. Valerie Compan of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montpellier, France.

The results of this new study showed that both anorexia and ecstasy reduce human appetite by the same receptors In brain.

These receptors are located in the part of the brain, which is responsible for the joy and laughter addiction. It also gives us reward feelings.

The research was only in animals at this time. It stimulates receptors in the brains of mice: this led to the mice from magersechtige-like behavior significantly reduces appetite.

The her research also found that the stimulation of these receptors, the mice the same type of enzymes in their brains, which are produced as Responding to amphetamines and cocaine in humans.

When these receptors were blocked, the appetite of the mice increased, and the researchers found that the mice were less susceptible to drugs like ecstasy.

This study shows the potential for the development of new types of drugs , on this part of the brain by blocking its receptors and reversing the anorexia has an impact on the pleasure centers "of the brain.

To conclude this research have shown that ecstasy addiction and anorexia have the same biochemical basis. And this new research could lead to a possible solution for the biochemical cause of anorexia through the development of a new system for the treatment it.

Although this is a good breakthrough in the understanding of eating disorders and how they play out in the brain, there are other causes , in the development of eating disorders.

These causes are environmental, social and behavioral sciences and relevant items that have to be treated separately. It is normal that those causes lead to eating disorders in the first place, before the chemical reaction of the hook end suffering in their unhealthy behavior. Find out more in http://www.mom-please-help.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Irina_Webster