
An eating disorder is a compulsion to eat, or avoid eating, that negatively affects both one's physical and mental health. Eating disorders are all encompassing. They affect every part of the person's life. According to the authors of Surviving an Eating Disorder, "feelings about work, school, relationships, day-to-day activities and one's experience of emotional well being are determined by what has or has not been eaten or by a number on a scale." Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most common eating disorders generally recognized by medical classification schemes, with a significant diagnostic overlap between the two. Together, they affect an estimated 5-7% of females in the United States during their lifetimes. There is a third type of eating disorder currently being investigated and defined - Binge Eating Disorder. This is a chronic condition that occurs when an individual consumes huge amounts of food during a brief period of time and feels totally out of control and unable to stop their eating. It can lead to serious health conditions such as morbid obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Characteristics of Major and Minor Eating Disorders

There are many types of eating disorders. We are very familiar with the three main disorders anorexia nervosa, bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. However, there are many smaller disturbances causes millions of people as Prader-Willi syndrome and Night Eating Syndrome. This is a short list of major and minor symptoms of eating disorders and describes treatment.

Anorexia Nervosa

A dangerous and potentially life-threatening illness caused by a person who is afraid of the weight gain, therefore resorting to self-help-starvation And eberm aiger weight loss. Anorexia typically appears in girls during puberty and can last until adulthood. Many boys and men suffer from anorexia, but it is more common in women.

There are four primary symptoms according to the National Eating Disorder Association.

* An intense fear of the "fat" even if they encountered resistance underweight.

* Maintaining a healthy body or an average weight.

* Loss of menstrual periods in girls and women.

* Poor or distorted body image was denial of severe loss of weight, body or low weight.

When people starve themselves, they are not only for your body weight, but also their overall nutrient composition of well-being. A couple of potential health risks for people with anorexia nervosa are:

* Dry hair and skin

* severe dehydration, which in the kidney failure

* slow heart rate and low blood pressure

* syncope, fatigue and weakness

* Osteoporosis

Treatment requires advice on the underlying psychological factors , to the disease. Often, a person will be treated, psychologically, medically and nutritionally. Family and a strong support group encouraged. Every person is different and the treatment depends on the severity of illness.

Bigorexia (Muscle Dysmorphia)

Typically seen in men, especially bodybuilders or weight lifters, bigorexia is a disease in which the body image of the person feels her body is too small. Therefore ebermaige they spend hours in the gym. Sometimes called "reverse anorexia" But no matter how big or muscular a person is they still think their bodies are no symptoms small.

There a true bigorexia other than a person who ebermaige attention on body image . Bigorexia is rarely diagnosed, because it is socially acceptable for men to muscular. Bigorexia may not be as fatal as anorexia, but it also has risks. Many people with this disease are prone to steroid abuse, and in extreme cases, the disease can affect a person's work and personal life.

Binge Eating Disorder (Over Compulsive Eating)

A person with binge eating disorder is coercive detention overeat without throwing up, abusing laxatives or exercise ebermaig compensate for the large quantities of food, which they have just consumed.

According the National Eating Disorder Association some signs or symptoms of binge eating disorder can be:

* Eating large quantities of food in short periods of time

* Feeling out of the control of the food behavior

* Feeling ashamed by their behavior

* Sometimes eat in secret

Health problems associated with binge eating disorder are similar to those, as in the context of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, gallbladder disease and type 2 diabetes. Mental problems such as depression and anxiety usually accompany health issues.

Treatment usually includes psychological counselling to the underlying causes of the disease. A strong support from the family and friends will be encouraged. It is suggested that obese people with binge eating disorder are trying to conquer their demons with psychological, medical help and, in the group to lose weight.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is one of the three main eating disorders. About 80 percent of bulimic patients are women. It is characterized by a person forced to "cleanse" the food they have just eaten by them-up, abuse laxatives or exercise excessively.

There are two types of bulimia nervosa, purging and nonpurging. Nonpurgers is typically compensate for their overeating with ebermaigen exercise or fasting.

The National Eating Disorder Association lists the three primary symptoms of bulimia nervosa:

* Regelmaige intake of large amounts of food with a sense of loss of control on the food behavior.

* Regelmaige use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors such as vomiting, laxative abuse or compulsive exercise.

* Extreme concern with body weight and shape.

There are many health problems associated with bulimia. These are usually associated with the method selects the person to "clean up" their food. These include: *

inflammation or breakdown of the esophagus from frequent vomiting

* Tooth decay and loss of stomach acids.

electrolyte imbalances

* * Chronic intestinal diseases problems because of laxative abuse.

Depending on its severity, bulimia nervosa can only be discussed with Extensive psychological and medical advice. Bulimia is often associated with deep emotional and spiritual dilemmas.

Night Eating Syndrome (NES)

Night eating syndrome is a relatively new disease. A person with night eating syndrome is often eat large amounts of food after the last meal of the day. Normally bed shortly before and during the middle of the night. This in turn will skip breakfast and eat not start until the middle of the day. That night eating syndrome with is not only the life of the occasional midnight snack, they consume are usually high calorie, low nutrient foods often caused by the night.

As a result, night eating syndrome effects of a person overall emotional well-being trigger depression, insomnia and anxiety. Approx. 10 percent of all clinically obese people are believed to have NES.

Since NES is a new disease, it is still no specific treatment options available. Some early reports show the drug Zoloft is effective in the treatment of clinical disorder.

Treatment begins with interviews and a few night in a sleep study clinics. Some drugs are available, but sleeping pills are discouraged.

Nocturnal Sleep-Related Eating Disorder (NS-RED)

Sleep eating disorder is an eating and sleeping disorders. Those with eating disorders is sleep eating, sleeping while awake. These people are unaware of their behavior, and have no memories. They typically consume high-fat and high-sugar content foods.

NS RED often occurs as a rule people who diet during the day. About 10 to 15 percent of people with eating disorders are common. Their bodies will be more than offset, in the night when the person is weaker for the lack of individual meals or starvation during the day. Sometimes, stress and anxiety can trigger Nazi RED. A person will often wake up in front of the refrigerator or the food on their hands and faces.

Orthorexia Nervosa

Orthorexia Nervosa is not a nationally recognized eating disorders. But it is increasingly recognized. Orthorexia is focused on the search for the perfect or pure food. The person is so obsessed with eating healthy and nutritious, and they refuse to feel guilty about eating unhealthy foods. They often eliminate all sugar and fat from their diet and no longer enjoy food.

Often people with orthorexia nervosa isolate itself, because they are so worried about their next meal healthy they refuse to go to eat with friends and family and the preparation on their own meals. They sometimes refuse pharmaceutical treatments and the "natural" remedies for individual illnesses.

Although orthorexia becomes popular, it is not considered a clinical disorder and is not diagnosed or treated. Often it may be in conjunction with other disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and treated that way.


Pica is typically the persistent eating of nonnutritive substances such as dirt, hair, plastic, enamel and much more.

This eating disorder is most often seen in children. It is considered inappropriate and older than two children with developmental disorders average intelligence. It is also the most common eating disorder people with developmental disorders and disabilities. Sometimes it is also seen in pregnant women craving dirt or soap to compensate for vitamin deficiencies.

Causes for the disease are:

* * Nutritional deficiencies

cultural and Stress

family factors

* * * Socioeconomic Status

Brain damage

* Pregnancy

Health problems if the person Or, the infectious hazardous materials. Rocks can be stuck in the digestive tract, intestinal backing track and the creation of constipation. Sharp objects can scratch or reduction of the esophagus, stomach or intestinal tract, the creation of internal infections. There is also a high risk of lead poisoning resulting from eating paint.

Pica in children often go on his own. Depending on the age and severity of the person diagnosed psychological counselling is usually suggested. There is very little medical treatment available, but some of these hypotheses with the disease suffer from reduced dopamine and may be treated with dopamine medication.

Prader-Willi Syndrome is

This genetic disease in which the affected never feel full. The disease is also accompanied by low muscle tone, short stature, behavior problems, learning disabilities and incomplete sexual development.

Prader-Willi syndrome is caused by a defect in the hypothalamus, which usually registers feeling of hunger. The error, the person never full, no matter how much they eat. Ironically, people with Prader-Willi syndrome need to eat less than that of the same age and height, because their bodies have less muscle and less prone to burn calories.

Consequently, people with Prader-Willi syndrome are often overweight and receive many health risks associated with Adiposen people like heart disease, diabetes and problems with breathing. There is no cure for Prader-Willi syndrome. The treatment typically requires very low-calorie diet and very little access to food. Families will usually have locks on the refrigerator and cabinet doors. Often diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome is also obsessive-compulsive behavior. Rumination Disorder

People rumination disorder is voluntary or involuntary vomit and then partially digested food chew. It can be swallowed or expelled.

According back to emedicine.com, rumination is a rare disease, and many theories information can be derived through small individual and case studies. Theories are psychosocial factors, cultural, social, environmental and psychodynamic. There is more dominant in infants and children, and usually spontaneously.

Symptoms tasks include:

weight loss

* * * Indigestion

* Halitosis

raw and chapped lips

Health problems and concerns associated with rumination disorder are:

* Tooth decay and erosion

oesophagus damage

* * * disorders

Gastric Aspiration

* Choking

* * Pneumonia

usually Halitosis

Treatments also psychological and medical advice. In some extreme cases, surgery, gastroesophageal fundoplication, a procedure usually reserved for people with acid reflux disease, can used.

Many these eating disorders are rare and can be found in many degrees. Always consult a doctor before treatment or self diagnosis.


Ellis, MC (2006, 28 March). EMedicine - Eating Disorder: Rumi nation. WebMD. "15 August 2006, by http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2652.htm

HealthyPlace.com, Inc. (2006). Eating Disorders Community - HealthyPlace.com." 15 August 2006, by http://www.healthyplace.com/communities/Eating_Disorders/index.asp

National Eating Disorders Association. (2002). ED Info index. "15 August 2006, by http://www.edap.org/p.asp?WebPage_ID=294

The Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders. (2006)." 15 August 2006, by http://www.something-fishy.org/whatarethey/other.php

WebMD, Inc. (2003, 16 October). Body's Food Cycle Amiss in Eaters Night. "15 August 2006, by http://www.webmd.com/content/Article/75/89780.htm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erin_Monaghan

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